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Just for Pope Gregory...

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An accelerated rate

To tell the secrets of my prison-house

House and a shelf

2001-10-06 - 5:11 p.m.

Life as a domestic goddess

Thursday was another happy round of pouring metal. The pilgrim's badges are coming along nicely. Everyone was close to lynching Brighid since her mold poured perfectly the first time, but we like her enough to forgive her.

What are you doing Friday night Roland?

I'm either cleaning the house or worshipping my wife.

Friday was my flex day and, yep, I spent the entire day cleaning the house. Scrub and dust and scurb. Let's *not* talk about the bathrooms. I folded all the laundry in the world, put away all those items you mean to put away eventually, and where did all the spiderwebs come from? When Roland arrived home, all he had to do was vacuum and mop the wood floor, which takes a little under an hour.

I like being worshipped.

Saturday morning cartoons suck these days. I know I spend a lot of time at events so I'm not really up on the Saturday morning cartoon scene, but it's a bunch of teen angst drama and a teen survivor rip off? Paying bills was a much better use of my time.

Saturday passed in a blur of bills and checkbooks and twelve MoL reports. I know fighters are excited, but if people would take the time to fill out the paperwork properly, my end of the job would go so much faster. Another 30 fighter cards to mail, another six things for the 'problem I can't resolve immeadiately' file.

Flipped through the channels during lunch - History and Discovery are running "The Man Who Saw Tomorrow" that Nostradomus special that gives me creeps. I should call Byrom.

But my new comics arrived today thankyouusps!

The next five issues of Rising Stars await me on the kitchen counter ... I hear they're making a movie of these.

Scribble to Theo

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