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2001-09-19 - 8:30 a.m.

Patriotic pirate

There's a old Jeff Cherokee parked outside my office window. It has a smily face antenna topper - a pirate smiley face. Big grin, big eyepath, little earrings on this bright yellow head. Best of all, it has a tiny little red, white and blue bandana tied around it's ping-pong ball sized head. It's the most cheerful thing I've seen in days. I left a note on the windshield thanking the owner for the smile.

Gen and I have almost the same pirate name? I'm very disturbed by this. I'm 'Captain Jenny Kidd' and she's 'Black Jenny Kid', so at least I'm in charge.

Still no flags at Home Depot. The small flag Gen gave me adorns our mailbox. I think I'll move it to the Tahoe antenna this afternoon. I was hoping for more stars and stripes so I wouldn't have to choose, but there's just nothing available in stores.

But Home Depot does have rude clerks. When you buy stuff in this area, most of the time the cashiers ask you for your zipcode before they finish the order. It's for marketing, merchandising, all that good stuff. But I have this strange quirk about giving mine out. I don't feel I should be obligated to provide my life history in order to shop at your store. So I always, very politely say, "I prefer not to provide that information." 90% of the clerks just nod and type in some bogus number. This guy stops dead, his body language becomes that of an exasperated child and he whines at me: Why not? I repeat my polite refusal. He insists he *has* to have the information to complete this sale. I tell him that's ridiculous, repeat my polite refusal and inquire if I am required to provide this information to shop at Home Depot? He confirms he must have the zip in order to sell me these items. I look at him, square my shoulders and say, "Fine. I understand your position. Let's just put all this back and I'll take my business elsewhere." He looks stunned, whines "Huh?" at me, and suddenly becomes very accomodating. Suddenly, he finds a way to ring me up.

I felt very American. I very politely refused to be bullied or intimidated. I see our government officials responding the same way to this tragedy. I approve that they are firmly, politely putting our enemies on notice. They are still persuing political options, working with our allies to build support. I also approve that they are not discussing our plans. Since the enemy got most of the US troop movements off CNN during the Gulf War, it's time the ladies and gentleman of the press learned the word discretion.

Last evening was spent working on projects.

Started a heraldic hood for Alisandra, the last of the sewing room moving crew payoff. I was very unhappy with the previous attempt, so that will become something else and Lis will get bright purple parti-colored. Roland needs a marshal's tabard of some sort for this weekend, so he and 'Narr will soon have matching marshals hoods, good for my pride and streak boys. I made progress on more Shire heraldry stuff. Thanks to our Shire web wizard, Failenn, I had beautiful .gifs to turn into embroiderly patterns so I'm making a Shire tablecloth.

Okay so Gen doesn't have the dictionary definition of a leather fetish. Perhaps she just has a fondness for leather. Still, it's tempting to get her something leather and tawdry for her birthday. Don't visualize, Kevin

I see Gen's project list impacting my life in the following areas: 'Dying' and 'applique'. Don't have any red dye right now sweetie. Order something from Dharma's Procion if you want pure red. And get the rest of the dwarves to help you make the hoods. I sympathize with Gen. Project time is difficult to manage just now, with the list office and autocrat duties.

West Wing premieres tonight.

Scribble to Theo

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