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2001-09-11 - 1:19 p.m.

Illusions Shattered

I slept late this morning, letting my anti-inflammatories work their magic on my back. By 10 a.m., I was ready to go to work. But the phone rang, and it was my mother-in-law hoping Roland was home.

I had no idea what she was talking about - so she told me to turn on the television.

Damn. Damn, damn, damn, damn them.

My secretary told me not to bother coming in - which was a good call - they shut down GSFC by noon.

Roland is still somewhere between the FAA headquarters and home. I can't raise him on the cell phone, his office phone, or his downtown contact. The All circuits busy is not reassuring.

I'm sure he's fine. Really, I'm sure he's fine.

But I want him home.

Wait, that's the garage door!

Thank you God, Roland's home safe.

The FAA shut down the building at 10:30 am.

It took him an hour to cross Pennsylvania Avenue - 1 hour to get through an intersection - 3 hours to get from downtown D.C. to home.

U.S. Marshals ordering the D.C. police to direct traffic. Madness.

Press people taking up the cell phones chatting. Roland turned his off for the sake of emergency services. D.C. police stations look like armed camps.

Thank you, bookgirl, for posting that Shannon was okay.

I think our illusions of security have been thoroughly shattered.

How can destruction and death win anyone sympathy and support? How can this help anyone's cause.

Pray for the dead, the injuried, our leaders, our military, and our rescue workers. Pray for them all.

Scribble to Theo

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