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2001-09-07 - 4:10 p.m.

Going Viking

Happy, happy, Friday.

I can taste Fall in the air. Shades of Charlie Brown - I feel like doing the Snoopy Happy Dance in a pile of fallen leaves - except the trees still have their leaves so I'll have to wait patiently, something I'm bad at.

Can you tell I like fall?

This Friday is especially good because it's my flex day. I work longer hours 9 days straight, then I get the second Friday of the pay period off. Slept till 8ish when Garibaldi awakened me with the feet pouncing game.

Both my cat and my nephew have a foot fetish. They like to chase and pounce people's feet. Hopefully Ryan will outgrow it. However, my cat is firmly addicted. His favorite game is a tie between pounce the feet of sleeping people and leaving leave toys in your shoes. Sleepy 6 a.m., you're putting your shoes and and your foot squishes down on something soft and furry. If you don't think stepping on a fake fur mouse will make you scream like a girl, leave your shoes our near my cat - I dare you.

Kevin and Jake came up last night. I'd been bugging Kevin to let me hem his Pelican cloak - it didn't get completely fitted at Pennsic. I promised Dame Anne Le Coeur that I would fix the hem without fail. Kevin was willing to delay, but I am a wise woman and I fear Anne. It turned out he was planning to drive up Thursday night for Staggering Crab drinking at Last Chance, so he decided to bring the cloak then.

We decided to pick up Red, Hot and Blue takeout (RIBS!) and take it over to Gen and Alan's to eat. Gen was stubbornly refusing to go out drinking - she was determined to finish her Viking gear for Coronation without being up all Friday night sewing. Little grasshopper, you have learned.

Just as Kevin and Jake arrive, Gen calls. Gen is hungry and in a hurry for food, so we leave my house posthaste. (I hear this little whimper from Jake and I realize she is busy petting the lovely Italian Fresco books.) You can bring the books, Jake.

Jake grins and quietly cradles the books in her lap all the way to the takeout rendezvous. We acquire food and make it to G&A's before Gen gnaws through her leather sofa. Yummmm. Dinner.

We never did make it to L.C. Regrets to the C of S.C., but the leather furniture was comfy and the ribs were good and the alcohol in G&A's fridge was plentiful and free. Jake was the BBQ sauce off her hands, nudged Kevin out of the well lit end of the sofa and curled up with the books. Gen was busily sewing her Viking. Alan concentrated on napping in the comfy leather chair.

I finished my Viking for Coronation. I'm not sure I like the way I look in Viking, but I put together a simple Apron for the day's festivities. Jake marked the hem, and I did the last of the finish work.

We put Kevin in the cloak and futzed with the hem for awhile. Teehee - Kevin trapped in a warm cloak during 70 degree weather. We did let him stand under the ceiling fan. Pinning anything full circle takes awhile because the folds make the garment so full, but it was eventually completed.

We left A&G's slightly after midnight, Alan having long given up and gone to bed like a sensible adult. I didn't care, since I had Friday off to sleep late. [Insert Gen, Jake and Kevin saying 'You suck' here.]

Hey! Isobel made me an authorization card. I think that means I have the power to own bits of Kevin's soul. Cat-toy!

Anyway, after the cat rousted me out of bed, I had cold risotto and port wine sauce for breakfast, which made a splendid start to the day.

The heating company came by for the seasonal maintenance check on our heat pump. It took them about an hour and they changed the humidifer filter pad (expected) and replaced a capacitor (recommended) which was operating at the tolerance of his current draw. This meant it's got a chance of failing, not regulating the compressor current flow properly, and burning out the compressor motor.

Why are maintenance people so shocked when a woman understands was a capacitor is?

The days errands are done and I'm almost packed for Coronation. Roland should be home from work soon and we'll head out to site. If the weather holds this is going to be a splendid weekend. I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone. Pennsic is such a community experience I get used to meeting many of my friends daily. I think I hit withdrawl about three weeks after War, after I'm used to real water pressure again and the laundry is done.

Scribble to Theo

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