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2001-08-31 - 11:21 a.m.

Singing Crabs and Southern Food

Whew, Gen, don't hyperventilate baby. The Monkey story is only so funny.

Work is busy and tedious this week. We're in the wrap up phase of the project. Document this, check that details, {Charlie Brownie teacher voice} blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I'm trying to hunker down and get through it as fast as possible.

I'm perking myself up with little breaks, like writing my diary, catching friends on IM (bad influence that thing), and tormenting my coworker, Martin. Yes, I was a cat in a previous life - but he squeaks so well, do I have to put him down?

A trip to Last Chance was just what I needed last night. Go for two buck draft night! Every evening since Sunday I've been playing catch-up on the MoL office. It's an inconvenient moment where many things are due at once - I try to avoid that but sometimes it just happens.

Gen and Alan kindly picked me up and whisked me away. Roland stayed home, working in the armor shop with Sir Saeric, a lovely man, Viscount from Northshield (I think), and a guy named Jeff. Much of the Darkwood armory blades bought at Pennsic are now in our basement to be tipped for combat. I told Roland he should take a different interpretation on tipping and keep part of the spoils. However, we all know Roland is good and I am bad, so that's not going to happen.

We went early to catch some dinner before the draft special started. Yun, our waitress, was a little thrown to see some of the Staggering Crab crew early because there were some people sitting at our regular table. We grabbed a different table, but then Yun came over, concerned, asked us if we'd have enough room in the corner spot we'd picked. We told her we'd survive, but she went over and asked the other party to move along because there was a large group arriving that would need that table. Score for the Yun!

I like Yun - she knows almost everyone's name (boy does she know Matt's name - no Matt does not have an inside voice) and their drink orders. Bob just sort of waves his glass and *poof* he gets another Newcastle draft. She's nice to the females in the Company because we all have inside voices.

Meng came and brought their wedding pictures. Gorgeous people, gorgeous wedding, just too darn cute. Really, Roland and I are out of the cellar as the overly cute couple so y'all just go pick on someone else - like Meng and Brian or Andrew and Sorcha. I had a stellar time chatting with Meng, Tanwyn, and Gen and looking through the pictures - I want the wallpaper from the bridal suite and I normally hate wallpaper.

Best quote of the night goes to Meng: They don't just have issues - they have a subscription.

Elsworthy sang a solo for the band - she doesn't sing enough near me and I miss that. Later in the evening, the musical part of the Company did a group number on 'A Sailor's Prayer'. I wish I could sing, but there's a difference between singing and singing along, and it's best if I stay with the mumbly chorus.

Roland and I need to figure out if our Scotland travel plans will cross paths with the company of the Staggering Crab crew since we're going the same week. That would rock.

This weekend is wheels up for a visit with my family. I can play with my now toddling, just over one year old nephew. My sister-in-law wants to take a bike trip through the mountains, but that bus will leave without me. A year of dealing with a bad back has equaled practically no exercise. I'm looking forward to biking in the cool fall evenings, but I think I'll eaaaase back in. Sigh - it's too bad. The Creeper trail is an awesome twenty-mile trail through the mountains. Anyone know a good mausseue in my area?

I'll get to see my Mom, whom I haven't seen since Easter because of my overly busy summer. We'll try to survive being fed to death. It's some sort of Southern mom nesting thing I don't understand, but whenever we visit, Mom buys out half the grocery store. This is the kind of woman that only allows ketchup bottles on the table in a picnic situation. Otherwise, ketchup goes in a serving dish - which lead to my Louisiana cousin spreading ketchup on his toast once thinking it was applesauce.

Mom did a lovely spread for my graduation brunch: turkey breast, shrimp, chicken casserole, chicken salad, green salad, fruit salad, fresh bread, more side dishes, four kinds of dessert - But we only had five people total at this brunch - my mother-in-law walked in, saw the table (which was so full there were no room for plates) and said Are we feeding the army?. Love my Mom-in-law.


Visits home are rough on poor Rob, who does not eat breakfast, because my Mom's determined to feed him. One trip, he packed his own fruit to avoid the gravy laden morning fare.

Mom: What do you want to eat Rob, honey?

Rob: Nothing, I don't eat breakfast..

Mom: Sweetie, it's no trouble. Pancakes, ham, bacon, eggs�

Rob: It's okay. Really. I don't eat breakfast.

Mom, not to be thwarted tries another tact: Wendy, he's hungry. You should get in there and fix Rob something to eat. Now you all know that I am not going to cater to on my husband like a 60's housewife.

Wendy: Mom, he *really* doesn't eat breakfast. Mom starts arguing with me about what I should fix Rob. Rob slinks out of the room a retrieves a pear he had packed (because the only fruit in my Mom's house comes in sugar syrup), pours himself a glass of milk and hides in the family room, hoping to escape notice.

Mom comes in and sees he is eating something. Slightly mollified her next question was Now, Rob honey, what do you want for lunch?

Rob actually screamed.


I love my Mom - we all have our own follibles and food is one of hers.

Gen and I will both be out doing the family and aunt thing this weekend. I, at least, will be bringing back leftovers.

Scribble to Theo

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