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2001-07-18 - 8:39 a.m.

I�m think I�m an introvert masquerading as an extrovert. Maybe that�s why I�ve resisted joining the diaryland circle for so long.

I know that sounds crazy, but Gen�s test made me think about it again. I�ve taken many of those personality tests things over the years and I always come up borderline introvert/extrovert, borderline intuitive/logical, borderline judging/feeling � Face it, I�m just borderline. But it makes me suitably eccentric for my circle of friends.

I like eccentric, eclectic, whatever I am. I think variety is truly the spice of life.

This is why I adore all my friends. You guys are interesting. (And I mean that in a complementary way, really, not in that Southern slang way which you use to describe the relatives no one talks about � hmmmm�. I bet my relatives use it to describe me.) We have a lot of common interests, but we�re individuals, not clones, and it makes for really, really good parties.

Like my birthday party weekend before last, when my friend, Mel, hid a bunch of people in the bar of my favorite Italian Chophouse and surprise I had a birthday party. I�ve never had a surprise party in my life and I had a kicking time � good wine, great food, awesome company. It gives you this warm fuzzy feeling in the pit of your stomach to think that all these people you really like, like you enough to hide in a bar for half an hour. (Of course the bar has really comfy, squish chairs, if you can snag one, so maybe its not that bad�)

I think I�ll be using the gift certificate Jake got me, along with money from my mom to invest in a professional (bartender grade) blender to further enhance parties. One that can really chop ice instead of just swirling the bottom inch around the pitcher in a really frustrating way. Cheap blenders are bad things.

My birthday was great. It began with an early surprise party a week early and ended with me taking the day off from work and doing precisely what I wanted. Slept late, read most of a biography of Eleanor of Aquitane, fixed myself brunch, went shopping for fabric, stopped and indulged at my favorite French bakery, read a decent fantasy novel, and spent the evening just being with my adorable Rob.

I spent part of the day just driving around with the windows down and the music playing, wind whipping through my hair. It was one of those perfect days when the weather looks like a picture � the clouds hands still and puffy, the sky is cerulean and lapis, light breeze blowing. Days like that, I used to ride my horse to the top of the mountains where I grew up and stand on the summit just to drink the wind. Days like that make you feel you can fly.

As I sit here at my desk, neglecting the piles and piles of work I must get through today, I am savoring that feeling, that unbearable lightness of being.

But I must work.

Scribble to Theo

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