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2002-11-20 - 9:39 a.m.

Round ears

Do I look like I have pointy ears?

Confused look from my senior engineers.

I am neither a human computer called a Vulcan, nor a magical elfin creature. I have finite time and resources. My only senior analyst is absent most of this week - so I have to pick up the slack; my lead is too busy with other assignments do the status work you requested; my flight lead's mother died yesterday so I have to prepare his material, give me a break; and you won't see the technology material because my hardware lead had a baby sitting emergency. The propulsion lead is preoccupied with his new job, so I also have to coordinate all the tank design work.

Let's do math.

I have 30 hours of engineering work to do before I can write up my status material.
Status material is due Monday, 9 am.
I plan (health permitting - which is an entire different bit of whining*) to take Friday off for travel to Lucia's wedding. That means there are (theoretically) 16 work hours left in my week. So that puts me at at 16-30 => 14 hours short to finish the work.

Oh, but wait, at no notice I've got three meetings today (another 3 hours gone) to go over what I'm going to be presenting => Did we loose track of the 30 hours I need to do the work so asking me for results today is a bit dumb?

Crazy people. I work with crazy people.

*And the weird limpy ankle injury has greatly aggravated my pre-existing back injuries - the truth is since I can't feel bits of my legs and back I should probably be home in bed, not hauling ass through 14 hour days.

Truly, I usually thrive on days like this. I signed up for days like this - but [skip long boring detailed story about my work] this particular activity should *not* be causing all thismadness.

They are so overreacting.

Scribble to Theo

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