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Just for Pope Gregory...

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An accelerated rate

To tell the secrets of my prison-house

House and a shelf

2002-11-12 - 9:38 a.m.

But in purple, she�s stunning.

� and the groom looked pretty darn cute in that kilt too!

Yes, Beth and Steve got married. They were nuzzly and adorable during their vows �Steve, in the name of God, I take you�� Beth looked just fabulous in her purple gown and upswept hair (Brought to you by Mary-Grace, who makes us all look better). The weather was a brisk and crystal perfect autumn afternoon.

(Hmmm. I�m sure that on a different day, the phrase �in the name of God� will have a very different context. �In the name of God, honey, what are you doing?�)

I suppose the low point was the best man being too sober to tell all the stories we wanted to hear. Or maybe the low point was my ankle being too messed up to dance much.

But, hey, you want men to fetch you drinks? Get on the swings in a skirt � the shorter the better and offer to swing higher if you�re tipsier.

You want to not spill cider down you front while swinging? Only drink on the upswing. See, physics is sometimes useful in a social situation.

You want to make Kenney speechless? Have Genie prance past him wearing a monkey hat. Monkey girl!

Sunday was Roland�s birthday and we had a very low key, just a few people dropping by for pizza, kind of day.

I gotta get out of the homemade pizza making business. Ten pizzas. Ten! Split amongst a dozen people and there was one piece left by the next morning. They ate all of my pizza � even the weird hummus pizza that I was hoping to have left for me. A mixing bowl full of chocolate mousse enough to feed twice that number of people � gone!

Roland�s so cute when he looks slightly guilty about decimating the pizza.

Relaxation, amusement and good company. Particularly precious moments�

Kirsten kicking her little feet like a three year old and making squirrel noises.

I think we should change Lauren�s name to Repentance Fencejumper.

You made me eat lettuce on a pizza.
You liked it, didn�t you?

Monday we switched cell services � Josh, our sales guy at AT&T was a champ, remaining patient, even when I asked obnoxious questions like �Who defines �weekend� as starting at 9 pm Friday night? Do you guys work that hard?� or �Nighttime hours start at 9 pm. Are you mad? Have you checked sunset time at this latitude? And what do you do about Alaska when they reach the �midnight sun never sets� portion of the year?�

Never shop for technology toys with engineers unless you are an engineer.

Rob made me stop when I was trying to work out the charge levels for the home charger (slow charge on a 120AC service) versus car charger (fast charge on a 12V) � you know, the math behind why they tell you to charge the phone slowly the first couple times to condition the batteries. But, I did catch him vocoder geeking thankyouverymuch.

Pitiful, I am. But he still took me to the kitchen store and let me buy kitchen stuff.

Dinner with my lovely sister-in-law, Darby, rounded out the three-day weekend. We headed to a Japanese steakhouse, which was closed, so we wound up at Clydes, which had half price on bottles of wine � woot!

Now, if my ankle would just stop hurting. The limp and lurch walk is so Halloween and we�re now well on the way to Christmas.

Scribble to Theo

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