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2002-04-24 - 9:34 p.m.

Pecked to death

...and a bizillion stupid little details to attend to all week. I'm juggling so many little things in my head it's hard to get any one things done and, and, arghh! It's like being pecked to death by ducks.
It's not fatal but it hurts and it's annoying. And I just couldn't juggle one more thing today. And. And. And issues!! Argh. Ducks!

Roland stares at me, slightly frightened, from the corner of the sofa, where he is nodding supportively. Damn those ducks.

The last duck of the day was the engineer on Project N who was yelling that I couldn't possible ask for input on the requirements because we didn't have the higher level requirements in place and complaining we hadn't had enough technical discussions to make these decisions. And she's totally correct, that's precisely what I've been saying but, sheesh, lead guy won't back me up and doesn't see a problem with that slapdash approach. And I've been begging this complaining engineer to help me have those technical discussions but she doesn't have time to get back to me. And since Burl won't support my request for a delay, I opt for at least putting in some salient input rather than just giving it up entirely.

Roland blinks. Damn ducks. All they do is honk. And crap all over everything.

I stare at him and just start giggling. Honk and crap.

Talk about transatlantic.

Theo's poor little brain has been like a hamster on a wheel this week. Too many little things to do. Hard to fall asleep because my mind is busy. My dreams have reached a new weirdness high. Balynar building a giraffe out of twigs. BdeB and I starring in a Scooby Doo cartoon - except set on a beach and involving moths. (No, Nia, I am not eating chocolate before bed. I am always like this.) Hard to wake up because I'm tired of juggling all those balls.


Sometimes I get so tired of being strong.

I'm not your average type of girl
I'm gonna show the world
The strength in me
That sometimes they can't see

Behind at work, behind in projects...

But I will prove
I can conquer anything

...but it's really just all noise. Small distracting noises that sometimes become very loud buzzing. Annoying buzzing..

So from my head to toe
I'm taking full control
I'll make it on my own
This time
(Better watch me shine)

... swat the gnats away...

Better watch out
Going for the knockout
And I won't stop
Till I'm on top now
Not gonna give up
Until I get what's mine
Better check that
I'm about to upset
So you better step back

Breathe. Center. Relax.
Remember how to walk away and leave a problem for the next day.

Bet you don't think
I can take it
But my mind and body are strong
Bet you don't think
I can make it
It won't take long
Now watch me shine...
Better watch out
- Joanna Pacitti. "Watch me shine"

Play angry estrogen music. Tune out the noise.

Remember why I love my job, why I love my life.

Pick up my Indigo Girls CD, go to work tomorrow and make a few feathers fly.

Stand at the edge of an ocean on a starry night. Touch infinity. Realize how small and unimportant all the little things really are.

Nia, I need to go to the beach again.

Scribble to Theo

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