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2002-03-21 - 11:43 p.m.

Words to live by

Random excerpts from "Mottos of the nobility, Etc." from William Berry's Encyclopoedia Heraldica: Volume 1 [Random motto assignments purely for my amusement. Kymber sees her friends as cartoons, Gen characterizes us muppets. Me ... I blame Byram.]

Animum rege. Govern your mind [Lis]
Audacter et sincere. Boldly and sincerely [Havordh]
Auspicium melioris aevi. The token of a better age [Laura]
Cassis tutissima virtus. Virtue is the safest helmet
Crom a boo. I will burn [Os. Just ask the fire department]
Deum cole, regem serva Worship God, obey the king [Kevin]
Deus pascit corvos God feeds the ravens [Corbie or Rhiannon]
En la rose je fleurie I flourish in the rose [Judith]
Erectus, non elatus Exalted, not elevated
Faire mon devoir To do my duty
Fax mentis incendium gloriae The fire of the mind is the incitement to glory [Pavla]
Flecti, non frangi To be bent, not broken [Shane (this one is all Roland's idea)]
Fortis cadere, edere non potest A brave man may fall, but not yield
Grace feroce Fierce grace [Susie!]
Gratia naturam vincit Grace overcomes nature [Tonwyn - look at what she's done for Kenny]
Hic labor, hoc opus This is the difficulty, this is the task [Balynar (the man never to be known as Tubby Hetro Lifepartner]
Honor fidelitatis praemium Honour is the reward of fidelity [Rags]
Hostis honori invidia Envy is an enemy to honor
Ich dien I serve
Integra mens augustissima possessioIntegrity is the most glorious possession [Nia]
Je suis petite, mais mes picquures sont profondes Small as I am, my sting strikes deep [AoD]
Lauro scutoque resurgo I rise again by the shield and the laurel [Byram]
La vertu est la seule noblesse Virtue is the only nobility [Padraiga]
Leoni, non sagittis, fido I trust to the lion, and not my arrows [Kymber]
Luceo, non uro I shine, but not burn [Gen, Meng]
Ne cede malis Yield not to advertsity [Kadlin]
Nec male notus eques A knight not much unknown [Paul]
Nocentes prosequor I prosecute the bad [Cuan!]
Non dormit qui custodit The guardian does not sleep [Forgal]
Non nobis nascimur We are not born for ourselves [Anne]
Per angusta ad augusta Through dangers to honour [special forces, middle ages kind of guy]
Pollet virtus Virtue excels [Andrew.]
Prend moi tel que je suis Take me as I am [Jimmy!]
Quod honestum utile What is honest is useful [Christian! Up against the wall they go!]
Res, non verba Facts, not words
Sans varier Invariable
Sapere aude Dare to be wise [Thjora.]
Sermoni consona facta Deeds answering to words [Colin]
Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re Mildly in manner, boldly in action [Alan & Bob tie]
Swift and true Swift and true [Misha]
Tractent fabrilia fabri Let smiths handle smiths' tools [Liam]
Tuebor I will defend
Ut prosim aliis That I may be of use to others
Virtute res parvae crescunt Small things are increased by virtue [Jake]
Virtui moenia cedant Let the walls yield to bravery
Vive, ut vivas Live that you may live
Vivit post funera virtus Virtue lives after death
Vota vita mea Vows are my life
Vulnerati, non victi Wounded, not conquered

The mottoes really belong to a lot of English noblemen and guilds. Let me know if you want the reference on the original owners. Bonus to anyone who guess which belonged to the Prince of Wales (putyourhanddownKynarr.)

Scribble to Theo

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