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2002-01-18 - 9:00 a.m.

Car-dancing needs

You learn to sing as a child, but somewhere along the path to adulthood, most of us discover we 'can't' sing. Oh, maybe we like it, but we just don't have the talent to follow a tune. But, the car is your own little space where you can sing, hum, drum along without the scrunity of others. Check it out at any stoplight, and you'll notice a other drivers car-dancing.

The Buffy music has proved really good car-dancing tunes, which is awkward when listening to it at your desk. So I again bug Kevin (See, how being kind to the ignorant bites you in the a**? Cause now I want something else�) for more help and I'm going to try putting the MP3s on audio CD. More precisely, I'm going to cute Roland into trying it because I don't have a CD burner in my work computer.

I'm the meantime, I've been car-dancing to Garth. Had to wait till this morning to satisfy my urge for country. I chose *not* to play it during the drive to folding last night since country music makes Gen ill.

Maybe I'll get the music out of my head at the concert tonight. Gwen sold me her Billy Joel/Elton John tickets cause it turns out she's moving into her new digs today. Very excited Gwen.

Guestbook replies

Gen - Little Blue Egg Dude (LBED) has moved to my desk and is currently lighting the "Unknown Murderess" Calendar and the Pooh posters. Yes, my officemate thinks I'm mad. But we like the same art - except for a disagreement in the postmodern area - so it's okay. He's just relived I moved the box of legoes out of the floor.

Luned - It seems to comfort Roland to know he's not the only guy who has to put up with, um, overly forthright questions from his mate. Gives him the 'Okay, I'm not just suffering alone' feeling. And the desire for drinking/male bonding/commiserating�.

I remember walking into Tbone's shop one evening and stating Okay, I know you're all out here bitching about the women you're married to, but I need your pizza order cause we're hungry�.

Dead silence. Guilty, hand-in-cookie-jar silence. So busted.

I'm still don't have the answer to the condom question because (a) I haven't gone by the grocery store (b) the websites I was provided with were not searchable by the term in question and (c) I wasn't brave enough to let Syr Christian explain it to me over IM - especially not when he was imitating a Southern woman.

All y'all squirrel nuts - damn, I worry about you people. Is this how the UFO hysteria got started?

But if we're pursuing the squirrel nut theory, I offer up this point. Ragnarr tested out as the "Stalker Squirrel" and spent awhile randomly IM stalking people. Is this a prank? Or has one of Bubbles minions slipped the leash and tipped her hand?

Kimmie, go for it. Life is too short not to feed the squirrels.

Byram, leave Kimmie alone. And get yourself a T-shirt that says "Back away from the squirrel food," cause I think you need to wear it to the next Laurel meeting. I have no idea why, but it seems sufficiently random. You can always tell people it's a new band.

Bubbles, it's okay - I know you're the Supreme Nut. Chi! And you need to have a talk with Kevin's squirrel. This door-to-door approach is a little too obvious for the revolution plans.

Colin - if you're looking for more JMS work, besides the "Legend of the Rangers", he's writing a new series for Showtime. Jeremiah premieres Sunday March 3rd at 8 pm. "15 years after a virus wiped out everyone who had passed puberty, the survivors are living on the scraps of the old world. Now they must either continue the downward slide, or begin to rebuild the world, taking responsibility for themselves and the world and each other." Loosely based on the long running European comic of the same name.

I don't have Showtime, but I can program Bubble's VCR. Luke Perry and Malcolm-Jamal Warner - I'm not so sure about this, but I might beg use of Gen's expanded cable to check it out.

Now my bosses want to drag me onto NGST (Next Generation Space Telescope) - the Hubble Telescope follow on. I'm not sure about this. The technical work is interesting, but I've just been through 3 years of hell on a project that couldn't communicate and this one is way bigger and has way more players. Managed by A, telescope built by B, instruments built by C and their sub contractors, spacecraft built in by D, sensor pack built by E �.20% chance of smooth operations, especially across various language barriers. I don't think I want to walk into this mess with my responsibilities fuzzily definied, but the work is interesting. Think, think, think,�

Scribble to Theo

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