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House and a shelf

2006-10-11 - 9:52 p.m.

The Tigger Bop

Things I�ve learned about SCA heraldry.
Never blazon anything you can�t reproduce.
Never put an animal on your device unless you want to collect many, many stuffed versions of them.

Things I�ve learned from the HGTV channel:
If you collect things, concentrating them in one display area makes them look cool rather than cluttered.

I applied this idea to our home office. Above our desk made for two, tigers cover the shelves along with a striped tiger fish named Spot. Tiger lurks on the bookshelves, above the futon, on the filing cabinets.

(Maybe it wasn�t that much about being cool and decorative as it was herding some of the tigers out of the other rooms in the house. Yet, they still slink back into the other bedrooms.)

Odd things about my music collection:
There is one album on my iPod called Tigger.mania. When random mix queues up Peter Frampton�s �The Tigger Bop� in a roomful of stuffed tigers and a bouncy Roland � you do the math.

I bought this album out of a $3 bin entirely to annoy Roland and it appears to have backfired.

Yes, he was wearing tigger slippers.

What the hell is Peter Frampton doing singing tigger songs anyway? Didn�t he have a career at some point?

Scribble to Theo

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