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2006-07-18 - 12:59 p.m.

Bees, honey. Engineers, legos.

My manager guy calls and remembers the social niceties long enough to ask ... how was your vacation?

Fabulous. I went to Legoland and have now build an incredibly detailed model of the spacecraft, including cute telescopes. But, I'm sure that's not what you called to ask

Legos attract engineers like bees to honey. I finally had to pack up my ill-gotten gains from Legoland because too many people were stopping at the conference table and playing.

I know I can build a ransom table if I just ... Do we have any more of the l-brackets? ... Hey, I need that nozzle piece!

Of course I built my coolest-of-all model before sharing, so my two axis gimbals, thrusters, and science telescopes are accurate. While I was at it, I repaired the more primitive model we'd been using, replacing the antenna one of my colleagues lost months ago. (Of course we're still going to give him loads of grief about it starting by returning the model with a spare assembly in the event he looses the fixed bit.)

This means I can write off my trip to legoland. Except my mom-in-law insisted on treating, so nothing to deduct really except the oddly good granny smith apple fries.

Silly kitty is still didn't eat last night.
He's getting fiesty and grumpy about the medicine, so I'm just not sure why he's decided to eschew food.

I think the vet gave Roland a suggestion on hand feeding him which, if necessary, just might motivate me to buy a video camera to share the hilarity of Roland, baby food and a pissed off 14 pound cat.

Okay, back to work. 250 emails down. 50 to go.

Scribble to Theo

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