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2006-06-20 - 11:13 a.m.

Death of leaves

Email snippet from this morning � here�s the monthly list of things you haven�t closed and we�d like a status from you on why they aren�t closed.
Being in a Theo mood, I sent back Because I�m too busy chasing cheese to sit at my computer for fifteen minutes to type them in. Because, if I had time to provide status, I�d have time to just do it. How�s that for refreshing honestly?

Haven�t gotten a reply yet. Probably won�t.

I have fantasies. (We all do, I know, but let�s stay on the all-�bout-Theo-bus.)

This week my fantasy is to be left alone in my office for a four hour span. I�d just like to deal with the �urgent� piles of paper weighing down my briefcase. The computer era definitely hasn�t saved any trees in my office. I gave up asking for an entire day without meetings or crises or cheese to chase.

It must be admitted I have more interesting fantasies, but you�re not going to hear about them in this venue. (Don�t even say it, Kev, or I will call you without warning and read you something racy until you bend the Suburban�s steering column. Grin.)

My cold had downgraded to an ickle headachy thing. Right at the temples and behind the eyes, constant and low-grade. I spent the weekend sulking about the house. I eschewed computer and all forms of work for naps and West Wing Season 6. (Thanks for offering to rescue me Keily-Beth, but I was such a hermit I didn�t read the message.)

The napping theory didn�t so well as people love me enough to call and check up on me. Unluckily, this would happen in the middle of that slow slide into sleep. *Brrring* I am loved and awake. And the kids playing basketball at the neighbors were no help. Sigh.

Ah well. Better to be loved and sleep deprived.
Most Americans only have sleep deprived.

I�m dealing with the death of leaves. We finally got the tree guy to come take out two trees and trim up the remaining. Roland had to hold me last night as I got home to face the open sky over the deck. Ah, I mourn the leaf canopy. Yes, it was all in the plan; yes, I want my roof more than a leaf canopy, but, but leafy goodness.

I am such a pathetic forest creature.
Did I mention my grandmother use to let me live in the treehouse for three day stretches, occasionally sending up PB&J, milk and cookies?

I�ve made it ten minutes without interruptions. Could it be?

Okay, be very quiet everybody; nobody move and betray my position. I�m going to try to deal with these paper piles so they can proceed to the recycling bin thus reducing my stress and sacrificing their lives to save other trees.
Just not the tree that used to be over my roof.

Scribble to Theo

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