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2006-04-10 - 12:27 p.m.

Illusion of freedom

I took Friday off. I took Friday off and I still have to file overtime for last week. I took Friday off and, in four days, I had already worked 50+ hours.

I took Friday off and only got one emergency phone call.

This is good. Last time I took a day off, it was five emergency phone calls. (Yes, they were all really emergencies.)

Since life is a casual process, I spent most of the weekend supine. Flat. Sleeping late and napping after getting up.

Managed to watch one and two-thirds movie - a very old Alec Guiness called 'Kind Heartsand Coronets,' to which I give a big thumbs up for both the plot and bonus points for the minor appearance of Alec as a Victorian matriarch suffragate riding in a balloon.

The other movie was Vanilla Sky, a movie so bad I had to imdb it after it ended to figure out what the hell it was. Terrible movie, terrible waste of talent, scriptwriter should be shot for pulling the 'it was all an illusion' dream sequence plot switch every ten minutes for an hour and a half.

Doesn't the SAG have rules about this? Screenwriters are only allowed either (a) two deux ex machina ploys or (b) one 'it was all a dream' twist per movie.

Failure to comply will lead to plots the like of 'Attack of the Clones.' The SAG cannot allow drama of this ilk to continue - the viewing public is too saavy to be distracted by bad puns and sudden action sequences, even if Yoda kicking butt was a thing of beauty.

Violators will be forced to write an open letter of apology to be displayed in place of the movie poster. Habitual violatiors will be sent door-to-door to personally apologize to every movie goer in America. [And we mean it. There won't be any more Star Wars episodes because George is still on walkabout.]]

So, I didn't like Vanilla Sky.

But I did enjoy the guilty illusion of freedom from work, only to face the harsh reality of Monday, buried in 200 emails, four emergencies, and 40 urgent reviews.

And my aide-de-camp is still unavailable to help with the workload.

Scribble to Theo

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