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2005-11-10 - 9:06 a.m.

Soup or Shoes?

Then I got in a car with Roland and Colin and we went south, far below the sweet-tea line, to Crown Tourney. Colin is fabulous and patient travel company, even with the CoH recruitment, which led me to explain why, when I need fluff, I read trashy romances but won't watch soap operas - trashy novels end.

Crown could have been renamed 'attack of the next generation,' as babies abounded. Kyna, despite the podlet claim, did let the rest of us play with baby Benjamin some of the time. Cute, as all babies are, and very snuggly. I'm now looking forward to watching Cuan reason with a toddler version of himself. It's pretty funny to when Colin does it with Zachary and Marcus.

And, hey, Kevin will soon be a papa.

Cake or death? Um, err - death, no wait! Cake! - Eddie Izzard.

My choices were easier last night. We had ambitions to go shoe shopping, cause boots are in this season and I love boots, but Arielle and Aryanna's schedule didn't work out.

Instead, lucky me, I got fed Aryanna's yummy Taco soup for dropping off Val's armor. Like tacos, only in a bowl so you can't pour it down your front when the tortilla shell shatters.

Shoes can wait. I'll definitely take the soup.

Today? It's my Roland's birthday. I left him asleep; eventually he'll awaken and do something that amuses him for the rest of the day. My bet? Conquering more of WoW.

Everyone should get to do exactly what they want on their birthday.

Scribble to Theo

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