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2005-05-25 - 12:08 p.m.

Meanwhile, in the real timeline

... Yes, I am back from Italy, back since last Friday.
... Yes, I wrote up diary entries (sorta) for each day.
... No, they are not finished. I got a cold the last day, which made the plane ride home ugly and me whiny, then I slept for four days straight.

... Yes, I will eventually post them all.
... No, good heavens, I don't expect anyone to read them all. I just want them completed for my memories.

... Can you believe that I got 400+ emails in two weeks away from the internet? And, I only subscribe to two mailing lists. Seriously, this has got to stop.

Oh, and the Padraigin figured out the answer to why the Baptisry doors in Florence display Noah with a pyramid rather than an arc. Here's the Padraigia answer:

Apparently in the world of religious symbology, the dimensions of the ark coincide with dimensions of the great pyramid, and somehow this is link to doomsday predictions. Something about supernatural design and the relationship between the Egyptian cubit and the Hebrew cubit. Frankly, I leave it up to you to decipher.

Theory on pyramid dimensions and what they mean

The more coherent version

These people have diagrams (But they probably can't answer questions, since they're sure the world ended in 2002.)

Instructive tshirts (Cause that's what Americans like best)

Thanks, the P. This gives me a way to substitute links for a real entry.

Now, go away, I have a cold and I have to work.

Scribble to Theo

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