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2004-12-03 - 5:51 a.m.

A miscellany of days

...and that's why you need to ask the Sparky's not the Sledgies.

Excuse me?

Electrical engineers are called Sparkies and Mechanical engineers called Sledgies.

Those were not nicknames in my engineering schools.

Where I used to work, that's what they called us during assembly. The electrical engineers made sparks fly when they hooked up, and occasionally melted, their breakout boxes. However, the mechanical engineers would just get out the sledges to make things fit.

Well, I'll just run right home and start calling my husband Sparky.

That, in case you all are wondering, did not go over well.

Ah, the fate of a faciliator. I didn't get anything done yesterday for helping everyone else get done. Let's see, what did we do yesterday anyway?

Argued for four hours that I should be allowed to take advantage of a component's performance, rather than not changing the requirements just cause the paperwork was inconvenient. I hate the FAR.

Negotiated more margin in our targeting requirements that I can't officially have cause (see above).

Helped rearrange a board layout for common mode isolation, and don't think that wasn't scary coming from an non-Sparky engineer.

Watched the attitude estimation software exploded with great joy because that means step one - at least get it to run - was completed three weeks ahead of expectations. Sadly, I had to bow out while they were trying to correct the measurement equations and create convergence so I could go argue about the FAR some more.

Did I mention I hate the FAR?

Taught my mentee statistics.

Argued about the shape of free floating fluid under zero-g, so now there are diagrams that look like eyeballs on my whiteboard.

Still trying to get the instruments to put in a fading memory filter for digital smoothing rather than the boxcar average thingy. Just cause it knocks down the peaks, doesn't mean it makes the signal less fuzzy.


Yeah, none of you needed to know that, but I feel better writing it down cause it gives the illusion I accomplished something rather than just starting six new things.


Today I have to be in a contracts meeting, a thermal review, and a schematic review at the same time.

Don't think I'll be too sparky today.

Thank God tomorrow is Saturday, because I can go to work in pajamas and be left alone.

Scribble to Theo

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