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2004-12-01 - 12:15 p.m.

Never get directions from someone holding a hand grenade

You can�t be serious. You cannot be serious that you mucked up the electrical interface specification and my team has to find a way to feed redundant driver circuits into a single serious of solenoid coils rather than the prime and redundant series we�d speced? That�s 480 Watts of power that my team has to find a way to diode or and return!

Could you have mentioned this sooner? It�s not like the circuit design is done and we�re going to fabrication in two weeks. Oh, wait, it�s exactly like that.

My lead electronics designer has already had a sept-tuple (yes that�s seven) bypass this year; lay off the poor man.

The list of red items on my whiteboard top ten list is longer and longer. Crap.

Luckily, I�m in a good mood today have enjoyed a lovely Evensong service at the National Cathedral. Not that Mel and Rob were any help.

So, I�m trying this new way into the city through Northeast. What cuts west from New York Avenue so I can get to Mass Ave/Wisconsin?

Roland: I�m a Northwest driver. I�ve got no help.

So what you�re saying is I should give up and call Mel?

Pretty much, yes.

Brrrriiing. Hi Mel! What�cha doing?

I�m drinking a hand grenade!

You�re what?

I�m in New Orleans, for business, and we flew down early, so we�re drinking.

So, you�re not going to be very helpful with DC geography right now?

Not as such.

Mel did try asking her coworker, but in the end, I had to add a new item to my 'Rules I Live By' list:

Never start a land war in Asia.
Never let Forgal drive the trailer.
Never bring a knife to a gun fight.
Never get directions from someone holding a hand grenade.

Thus, a few minutes late for service was I, but I�m sure God knew where I was.

And he even passed along a sign. The service mentioned St. Andrew, which made me realize I should have (smack hand in middle of forehead to indicate cluelessness here) just called Andrew, who was home, with his wife, near a map, and sober. Live and learn.

I lit a candle for Gyrth.

I�m Methodist, and we really don�t do the candle lighting thing, but I�ve always savored the tradition - besides since Gyrth was Catholic and fire is fun, I thought he appreciate it.

Then, I lit a row for the Red Sox, cause I figured Gyrth would appreciate that more.

Someone is going to have to explain roses to me.
After I completed the labyrinth, I took a walk through the dark and rain drenched Bishop�s Garden and there are *still* roses in bloom, dramatic and dark silhouettes against the brightly lit cathedral towers.

Why are roses blooming in December?

Scribble to Theo

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