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2004-06-21 - 8:50 a.m.

Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires

What's with you people? An entry about sex and alcohol and no comments at all. Tsk.

I bet none of you took my advice about going to the Free-For-All either.

It�s a busy spate of work here in Lake Woebegon...

(Hmmm. I bet no one listens to Mr. Keillor either.)

... as we try to juggle our deadlines over the next months, which brings me to a comment about pyromaniacs.

Americans have this problem with making a plan. Everyone, everyone, everyone wants to *do*. Take those home/project/organization shows. Ever notice they only film the work once it�s underway? They never show all the bits where you spent hours planning what you want to do or waste two driving around for supplies (did that this weekend) when you run out mid-project.

In business, we call this the firefighter culture. If you have a culture that only recognizes firefighters, then you will have a culture that does nothing but fight fires.

Truly, when did you last see anyone get an award for preventing fires?

So that�s the current preoccupation. Pushing very, very hard to prevent problems two years from now. Difficult to persuade people that�s important in the dulcet summer days.

Maybe I need to hire Smokey the Bear, though I think the forest service ditched the mascot of my childhood memories in favor of some chipper squirrel.

We spent a lovely Friday evening in Alan�s ever-evolving Space Alien Bar, where I got to scare AoD by rummaging about online for ridiculously complicated space pictures to consider for wall murals. Honestly, I have faith elsworthy could paint anything, but I�m just the peanut gallery. I will sit quietly lest I get a paintbrush in my eye. Heh.

Gotta run. Time to move the rags away from the radiator before we have a problem. Will anyone ever notice? Probably not.

Don�t forgot to look out the window this morning. First private manned rocket will attempt to launch from the Mojave dsert at 9:30 am EDT. It�s brought to you by Paul Allen, formerly of Microsoft fame. Here�s hoping nothing reboots on the way up.

Scribble to Theo

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