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2004-02-27 - 10:27 p.m.


Today, I did my job. Fascinating.

Lately, I am pushed to let others tell me how to do my job, tell me how to interpret the data, tell me ...

... and I've been so tired lately, I just didn't care.

Middle of the week, for no fathomable reason, everything clicked.

I found the rhythm and beat of my work; I was motivated again; I was clear on when to say 'bug-off' and 'f***-off' and 'I'm going home'.

Also have been interviewing people this week, so I dressed nicely. Put on pantyhose and everything, something I rarely do for work.

Must be admitted I stunted, like a small child pushing for attention. Because I've been feeling supremely underappreciated by my worklately, I told several people Sorry, I'm unavailable this afternoon. I'm interviewing, and walked away without further explanation.

Wonder if that'll have any fall-out?

Gorgeous weekend of productivity ahead, good work week behind, the office is mostly back together again.

We seem to keep everything. Found an old flyer from Cuan's first Coronation. I should mail that to him just for amusement factor.

You know what I need now? Scotch.

Check back later for the adventures of Flat Adam.

Scribble to Theo

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