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2004-02-11 - 8:45 a.m.

Note from Mom

Work continues to suck my life. But today should be much better. Today, I have a note from my mother.

Mom called lasted night, shocked that I was actually at home answering my phone by 8 pm. Because it's her job, she asked how I was. So, I told her, in gory detail, including all swear words, because I'm too old and too tired to clean up my behavior for my mother.

She told me:
(a) My grandmother wouldn't let me use that language, and I was to remember I was a lady - which made me laugh.
(b) I was to go to bed, and if they were unhappy with the 10 am presentation (which I haven't even begun to prepare), I was to give them a note with her phone number.

Spending too much time at the desk makes you focus on silly things. My read and edit pile of material is inches thick = 4" in the done pile and 2.5" in the incoming pile. (Measuring is something you do when you're an engineer that wants to delay actually working.)

Also a distraction is finding the right combinations of sticky notes and pens to ease the editoral process. I spent 15 minutes yesterday combing the supply closets for new pens. Easy to write with pens. Colorful pens. I came up empty.

What is it about a clean desk and organized office supplies that makes everything seem calm and peaceful? I think it's the feel of a fresh start, clean sheet of paper, colorful pens near to hand.

Oh, wait, I remember this feeling. Crayons, blank paper, kindergarden. Cookies and naps. Blissful naps. Milk and cookies.

Maybe that's why it took my fifteen minutes last night to pick out just the right colorful pens at Office Depot.

'Xcuse me. I must go contemplate the All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarden poster on the back of my office door.

Happy Birthday 'Narr!

Scribble to Theo

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