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2003-11-20 - 11:00 a.m.

Dumbing down of Corporate America

I hold PowerPoint responsible for the dumbing down of corporate America. - Kyna

Downhill run. My team has a two day, twenty hours of technical material, review to present second week of December.

Let me just say, damn MicroSoft, because I'm very tired of the words But, it looked fine on my screen because their products so do *not* import seamlessly version to version.

A forty pages of hard analysis must be boiled down to a bulleted lists. I blame those 'moving at the speed of business' ads. We're all drowning in communication.

When computers permeated the workplace, five years later we learned about carpal tunnel syndrome, ergonomics, and how using the glaring box was bad for you.

I predict, five years from now, we'll be trading stories about information overload syndrome, as people collapse under the flow of telecommunications. I sort an average of ten documents, fifty business and twenty personnel emails a day. Check phone message on work, mobile and home. Keep us with the news, world, nation and local both morning and night. Oh, and let's not forget the paper trail and mail that must be sorted and filed.

It is exhausting. Getting away from it all sounds so good right now.

I just don't understand the pervasion of modern telecommunications into our medieval world. Why on earth would I want to spend Pennsic in the internet cafe, keeping up? Or staying on top of their phone message?

Perhaps, I'm already at information overload.

Ah, well. Must go write more slides.

Never knew the ability to draw cute pictures in PowerPoint would be so important in my professional life.

Scribble to Theo

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