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2003-11-03 - 3:01 p.m.

You might be a geek if ...

... you buy a Palm Pilot on Sunday afternoon and have already done two hard resets to PROM cause you were trying to do clever things.

... you call another engineer to geek about it.

... you seriously think about changing cell phones just to play with the bluetooh interface/dialing conduit.

... you think you should call the cable company cause the modem seems slower than it used to be, and you want to know where the load got added to your network. You wonder if some of the equipment from work can capture enough packets to sort it out.

... you spend Saturday deriving ephemeris accuracy requirements and find it, somehow, comforting.

... you actually spent 30 minutes last week arguing about the precise definition of SI units.

... you begged your management to contract the payload processing facility to produce a proper free body diagram of the rocket to spacecraft separation system.

... you're amused that the Radiation engineer's last name begins with Xap. (Zap? Get it? Nevermind)

... you pass around the new Amazing Spiderman comic in the back of a fruitless morning status meeting.

Scribble to Theo

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