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2003-10-02 - 12:47 p.m.

Here, lizard, lizard, lizard

Today, our review was interrupted by a lizard.

(Go ahead. Go on, ask. How many NASA engineers does it take to catch a lizard?)

After 90 minutes of presentation, the folks at the front of the room gradually stop watching the presenter and start staring at the floor. A yellow and black lizard, about four inches long, is darting across the room, blending nicely with that speckled stuff called industrial carpet.

The more people that notice the lizard, the faster the little guy runs. As the lizard gained momentum, he did a couple laps around the room, cause people to stand suddenly or dive to grab him. Eventually, the meeting was forcibly paused while the participants performed a wave.

This devolved into three guys performing a pile tackle in the front corner of the room, herding the lizard into a trashcan. A slight release debate ended in the lizard being remanded to Austin�s custody because he raises them as a hobby.

(Three. It takes three NASA engineers to catch a lizard, and a bunch more to cheer them on.)

I tell you what � Release a reptile in a room and you�ll learn stuff you never knew about your coworkers as they jump and dart.

Here lizard, lizard, lizard.

My sinuses are throbbing; my head is about to explode.

I think I�m going home.

Scribble to Theo

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