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2003-06-10 - 10:54 a.m.

Saved from cupcaking

I don�t have to make cupcakes tonight.

Let me �xplain. One of my colleague�s wife was due to deliver their first baby in four weeks. They�ve been trying for awhile so this was a much anticipated joy.

Thus, I was leading the herd in throwing a surprise shower for him on Thursday.

Note the verb tense was. Cause she had the baby yesterday. So much for gift shopping at lunch today - I think a panicked new father will be out buying everything in sight.

I left them a message of congratulations with a pithy comment about his tendency to front load all of our schedules. (He�s my technical boss, sorta. It�s complex. Nevermind.)

I should buy them crib sheets. Cause the first time we knew our puppy-like Southern boy was dating was when him came in my office horribly frustrated and asked:

What are 300 count percale sheets?
Wow. What�s here name?

In a typical Southern male reaction, he defended her honor with It�s not like *that* and blushed rampantly.
Sure. What�s her name?
We were on a date in the mall and I needed new bedding and she was helping me pick it out and I felt like an *idiot* cause I had no idea what she was talking about.
Sure. What�s her name?

This stuff always happens around him. My first spacecraft emergency � grab-you-shoes-and-drop-everything-to-get-to-the-control-center-emergency � was the day of their wedding. Our team ran from the control center and slid in the last pew minutes ahead of the bride.

I like Dave, even if I fight with him like an older sibling.

I spent Sunday being �sanding monkey� to the knowledgable Alan, Roland, Thjora crew�s benchmaking.

Me: So do you need shop monkeys?
Alan: Well, if you had a monkey that was confident of his chiseling skills.
Me: Ah. You want the Roland monkey. But, I have mad sanding monkey skills.

(Is is an official monkey name if you dubbed yourself?)

Benches are close to finished. Tables close to finished. I ruined the face of one of my nails, hitting the sander the wrong way, but it�s okay. I�ve never had a manicure in my life, so no loss.

University was wet. (I think that�s redundant. It�s pretty much a given this year that all things are wet.) Corbie roped Anastasia and I into being the panel for a Courtesy vs Chivalry round table. Great discussion. Intimidating to be on a panel (Can we be a duo? We feel more like a duo than a panel.) with a professor of Medieval History, about to start at the University of Illinois.

We spent a long hour afterwards, sitting on the steps talking about the origins of knighthood. She specializes in early medieval history, which is certainly not information commonly available.

I think the next time I teach history of tournaments, I�ll switch from organizing it chronologically to teaching from a literature point of view. Then, I�d like to teach from an armor/weapon technology angle�

� oh, were you still listening? Sorry, got all sidetracked.

Juliet Barker�s newest The Tournament in England, 1100-1400 arrived yesterday, so I have that distraction rather than baking cupcakes tonight. England licensed and politicized tournaments. And you can�t blame them � how do you think the barons got together to plan the Magna Carta twist? They had a tournament.

I�m sure you�ll get subjected to an eventual review.

But, if I�m going to escape to do other things tonight, I�ve got to work now.

Scribble to Theo

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